Gather and Build Mechanics, Bike Riding, and More!

New Mechanics


We are happy to announce we have implemented our gathering and building mechanics into the world of Spookville! Throughout the game and ideally, during daylight, you will be encouraged to gather different resources to upgrade and build defenses at your cabin.


Currently, there are three different resources, two of which you can gather in the wilderness: wood and stone. Components, which we are planning to make a requirement for upgrading your weapons, will be distributed via completing storyline quests.

mom and boy

Bicycle Riding

Legs get tired, explore Spookville quicker on your bicycle than on foot!

There will be trophies and achievements to unlock that require the use of your bike, so get to riding!

bike riding sdaylight small

We Want Your Feedback

We have a couple of questions we want answered from our player base, which means YOU!

  • Should enemies drop resources, maybe like the valuable component resource?
  • Resources currently will show on the Map screen, should they be hidden but still show on the compass?
  • Are you ready to play? A closed beta will be available to those who sign up for our Email subscription list and join our Discord.

Recent Dev Log

Please watch our latest developer log on our YouTube channel here:

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